IOT Greenhouse project part 2

here you can see how hardware has been connected and how Networking part is happpening 

Here our main goals were Light and watering control,Temperature and humidity Controlling , Image processing to monitor leaves of the and infections , Automatic management and and remote monitoring. Client can have latest status of the greenhouse . Here we have used MQTT protocol because it is lightweight messaging protocol . Here each sensor has topic. As an example humidity sensor has topic greenhouse/1/hum other sensors also have. So here Arduino UNO + WIFI shield is acting as a MQTT client and publish this sensor data to the related topics . Then in Raspberry PI there is MQTT server and from the PI data will be put into a Graphical user interface .So any user with proper authentication can connect to the IP of the raspberry and get these data.

So i think you have some idea about the hardware part. Next  we are planning to do the Controlling part and Image processing part to the Greenhouse. 


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