
Let's Learn NodeMCU(EPS8266MOD) very popular IoT component

NodeMCU SETUP GUIDE WITH ARDUINO These days IoT applications are so popular. And I think you have seen my previous posts about IoT Greenhouse. There I tried to pull out many concepts about IoT Technology.   There we have used some cost methods for IoT client Eg (Arduino Uno + Wifi Shield). But using this NodeMCU model you can reduce your cost much and this is low power consumption and integrated networking to the module  So let's learn about this. The ESP8266 WiFi Module is a self-contained SOC with integrated TCP/IP protocol stack that can give any microcontroller access to your WiFi network. The ESP8266 is capable of either hosting an application or offloading all Wi-Fi networking functions from another application processor. Each ESP8266 module comes pre-programmed with an AT command set firmware, meaning, you can simply hook this up to your Arduino device and get about as m...

Guide to IoT protocols

Follow are the popular IoT protocols these days 1. MQTT 2.  CoAP Introduction for MQTT and example Nowadays we hear a lot about MQTT with IoT based projects. Let's see actually what is MQTT with simple examples in your Pc and later you can use them for your future IoT projects. MQTT is a publish/subscribe protocol that allows edge-of-network devices to publish to a broker. Clients connect to this broker, which then mediates communication between the two devices. Each device can subscribe, or register, to particular topics. When another client publishes a message on a subscribed topic, the broker forwards the message to any client that has subscribed. Hey let's make the idea so simple As an example imagine you have a plant. You put 3 sensors to it temperature sensor, humidity sensor, light intensity sensor So you need to get these sensor data to your application. Let's use the MQTT protocol to this scenario. He...

IOT Greenhouse project part 3 (Working prototype of IoT Greenhouse)

   This is the promotional video which we have done to the Embedded systems project. Presentation slide  This project we are monitoring and controlling a Greenhouse. By analyzing monitored data and digital image System will control the Greenhouse. Here we have developed a working prototype with one plant. Here our main goals wer e Light and watering control, Temperature and humidity Controlling, Image processing to monitor leaves of the and infections, Automatic management and remote monitoring. The client can have the latest status of the greenhouse. Here we have used the MQTT protocol because it is a lightweight messaging protocol. Here each sensor has a topic. As an example humidity sensor has topic greenhouse/1/hum other sensors also have. So here Arduino UNO + WIFI shield is acting as an MQTT client and publish this sensor data to the r...

IOT Greenhouse project part 2

here you can see how hardware has been connected and how Networking part is happpening  Here our main goals wer e Light and watering control,Temperature and humidity Controlling , Image processing to monitor leaves of the and infections , Automatic management and and remote monitoring. Client can have latest status of the greenhouse . Here we have used MQTT protocol because it is lightweight messaging protocol . Here each sensor has topic. As an example humidity sensor has topic greenhouse/1/hum other sensors also have. So here Arduino UNO + WIFI shield is acting as a MQTT client and publish this sensor data to the related topics . Then in Raspberry PI there is MQTT server and from the PI data will be put into a Graphical user interface .So any user with proper authentication can connect to the IP of the raspberry and get these data. So i think you have some idea about the hardware part. Next  we are planning to do the Controlling part and Image processing part to...

IOT Greenhouse project part 1

How to build Simple IOT Greenhouse (Part 1) This this project we are going to control a stable environment to the plant inside the greenhouse.  With using mqtt protocols and latest IOT suff. And also we can monitor plant conditions using digital image processing. So let's start this step by step. Part 1 is all about setting up the sensors and hardware part. So what do you need to this project ? Components 1.) Arduino Uno with wifi shield 2.) Raspberry PI 2 Board and wifi adapter. 3.) DHT 21 (AM2301) Temperature and humidity sensor 4.) Soil Moisture Sensor 5.) Light intensity sensor 6.) Water pump 7.) Raspberry PI Camera or web cam for image processing 8.) 16 in to 4 LCD display Don't be scared i'm going to explain bit by bit how to build this system. First of all you have to design the hardware part. plug the sensor to the arduino in correct way. Simple Arduino Code to get sensor data and display here this code is without the arduino w...

booti: A bear's Tale (Our First 3D Android game)

About the Game Many creatures are suffering from Global warming.The chief threat to the polar bear is the loss of its sea ice habitat due to global warming. It is on the Arctic ice that the polar bear makes its living, which is why global warming is such a serious threat to its well-being. booti is a small polar bear who lost his family and home due to global warming.So he decided to take a long journey to find his home.But the path does not easy as he thought,Lot of threats on the way... Can you help him to find his home and family ??? FEATURES ★ Beautiful 3D Graphics ★ Good Adventure Experience ★ Interesting levels with obstacles How we developed it... We developed it using unity game engine.It was a great place to learn and make your ideas into reality. we used C# for the scripting and 3D Max and ps to 3D modelling and graphics. Screenshots This game was developed by us for a gaming competition hosted by Commercial b...

Simple Internet Of Things (IOT) Project For Home ( Part 2)

          More On Configuring the Raspberry pi with Raspian OS Hello, this is my 2nd post on iot for a home project. I thought that it will be good to give you some idea about Raspberry pi and its configurations in this tutorial. Actually Raspberry pi is a small computer which runs Linux kernel. We use Arduino and PIC for electronics but the difference with Rpi is Rpi has a processor. But Arduini and PIC are Micro Controllers. Mirco Controllers does not have much performance like Rpi.  The  Raspberry  Pi   on the other is a complete, functional, mini-computer. It requires an  operating system  . Storage is provided from a micro-SD card. Although the Arduino can be programmed with small C-like applications, it cannot run a full scale “operating system” and certainly won’t be replacing your media centre anytime soon. The  Raspberry Pi,   on the other hand, is a computer.  For this pro...